
This page lists the recorded talks that I have given so far. Not much but it’s a start.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Revolutionizing Kubernetes Logging: Structured Logs for Enhanced Monitoring

Presented an exciting session on the fundamental changes in Kubernetes logging. Explored the power of structured logs, which then contained object references and contextual information, enabling uniformity and automation in monitoring. Dived deep into the enhancements and performance comparisons, which had a significant impact on the entire Kubernetes code base, requiring collaboration across SIGs.


๐Ÿ‘‰ TLS in brief

Thanos is an open-source, CNCFโ€™s Incubated project that horizontally scales Prometheus to create a global-scale highly available monitoring system. It seamlessly extends Prometheus in a few simple steps and it is already used in production by hundreds of companies that aim for high multi-cloud scale for metrics while keeping low maintenance cost. In this talk I covered TLS’s (Transport Layer Security) basic concepts and it’s implementation in the Thanos project.
