
The open-source projects I have sufficiently contributed to so far are included in this section, along with a concise overview of my work within these projects.

๐Ÿ‘‰ kubernetes: commits

Kubernetes doesn’t need an introduction, right? During my internship at VMware, I was privileged to work on the upstream kubernetes full-time. There are three domains I worked at:

  • Component maintaince - I worked on a contextual logging issue, which required labour across several Kubernetes components, I successfully migrated 7 of them to a more secure and efficient contextual logging system.
  • Release Team member - I did non-code contributions during this phase, I was a CI-Signal RT shadow for the k8s v1.26 release. You may read about my adventure in this blog. I’m also a part of v1.30 release team.
  • Cluster API (CAPI) - I picked an issue to implement dockerless CAPD feature, everything related can be found in this GH comment. My commits.

๐Ÿ‘‰ kubernetes/test-infra: commits

kubernetes/test-infra is the test infrastructure for the Kubernetes project. I was aware of the K8s project, but the LFX mentorship programme gave me the opportunity to start making contributions. My project was to migrate the SIG-node related CI jobs from kubetest to kubetest2.

During the course of my mentorship I was successful in migrating all the pre-submit jobs to kubetest2, which were all up and running, after the continuous efforts from myself and my mentors. Interested to know more? (blog coming)

๐Ÿ‘‰ Thanos: commits

Thanos is a highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project. I started my open-source journey with Thanos, contributed to the frontend since I knew ReactJs, and gradually shifted to the GoLang backend.

My Google summer of code project was to implement per-endpoint TLS configuration in Thanos querier. Interested to know my whole GSoC journey? Head over to this blog.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Kyverno: commits

kyverno is a kubernetes native policy management tool. It is built and maintained by Nirmata. During my internship at Nirmata, I had the opportunity to work on this fun project.

Since kyverno is a young CNCF project I’ve had the chance to work on a variety of areas starting from software supply chain security (very hot topic today!), to refactoring the GitHub actions workflow, to designing and prototyping of k8s-manifest signing/verification feature and much more!